Saturday, January 12, 2013

Our Birth Story

I woke early one morning, end of May 2009, and took a pregnancy test. I had suspected for several days that I was pregnant and had told The Hubs so. He was in denial and didn't want to believe it. It wasn't that he didn't want a baby. It was that the timing was horrible. We had just moved back to my home town and he was going to be starting school in the fall. Not to mention we were living with my parents! None the less, the test was positive and we were expecting. Luckily I had just started a job as an admissions representative at a local hospital and was provided with insurance immediately.
The pregnancy was relatively easy or would have been had I not gorged myself and gained 70lbs. I had virtually no morning sickness. I did, however, get hemorrhoids. I won't go into any detail involving those. I'll just say they're a bitch and leave it at that. The Hubs was a saint through the entire pregnancy. If I wanted something, he did his absolute best to get it. He insisted on waiting on me hand and foot. Looking back, he was probably a big factor in me gaining so much weight. lol
I've always said I wanted a natural birth. I have a fear of doctors and hospitals and surgery. I initially tried to contact midwives in our area. The first was actually a group of doulas and midwives at a birthing center. I set up an appointment and The Hubs and I showed up early. We waited and waited, but no one ever came to meet us. No one returned our calls. The second midwife we contacted ended up being retired and she didn't know of any others in our area. We gave up on midwives. The new plan was to have a natural birth at a hospital. We didn't realize that there is no such thing.
My water broke at midnight, February 12th, 2010. The birthing classes that we had taken via the hospital, made sure we knew to hurry to the hospital as soon as the waters rushed. And hurry we did. They got me into a room right away and checked me immediately. I was only dilated one and barely having contractions. I was allowed to labor until 9am. That's when they put me on The Dreaded Pit. I labored for as long as I could without an epidural. By 2pm I was screaming at The Hubs that he better get me a "fucking epidural". Poor guy. I was able to sleep for a few hours after my epi. What a relief! Pitocin contractions are no joke. At this point times start to get blurry. A nurse woke me and checked me. I was ready to push. I rolled to my back and lifted my legs as told, with a nurse at my derriere and The Hubs holding my hand. For over an hour I pushed with each wave of contraction. They had lowered my epi enough that I could feel them coming, but they didn't hurt.  I was told that I was pushing perfectly and that if baby had been able to come out he would have. For some reason his head just wasn't going under my pelvic bone. Maybe he had an extra large head. Maybe my pelvis was too small. They'd have to perform a c-section.
I bawled. I had read up on c-sections and was terrified. I knew that my son wasn't going to pass through my birth canal and that neither of us would receive that special bonding elixir of hormones that would link us for life. I knew I would love my baby, but it just wasn't going to be the same. I was also terrified of the surgery and the thought of not seeing my baby for hours after birth. I implored The Hubs to stay with him. Don't worry about me. Protect our baby! Did I mention that I don't trust nurses, doctors, and hospitals just in general? Yeah, I really was terrified.
Benton was born at 7:23pm on February 13th, 2010. He weighed 8lbs, 7oz and was 21 inches long.